Windscreen replacement BMW

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Windscreen replacement BMW does not have to cost a lot of money

Anyone who has chosen to invest a not unpleasant amount in a quality car such as a BMW would like his or her car to look as optimal as possible at all times. This applies not only to the condition of the bodywork in particular, but also to the windows? In particular, the windscreen is a part of a car that is open to damage, especially from rubble. When such damage occurs, the majority of BMW owners would like to see it repaired as soon as possible, although they fear that they will invariably have to deal with a high price tag. Fortunately, it does not have to be the case at all, on the contrary. Autoglas Concurrent makes sure that the windscreen replacement of your BMW can always be done at the most interesting price and without sacrificing quality.

The unique character of a windscreen

Although the windscreen is made of the same glass as the side or rear window, there are differences. The production method is different, so a windscreen is made of laminated glass. Such glass is extra h2, not least because it consists of two layers of glass. Between these two layers of glass can be found a so-called PVB film.
This is a kind of plastic that has an adhesive layer on both sides. The purpose of this adhesive layer is to keep the glass firmly together in case of breakage. The result is that in the event of damage there is no question of literally splashing the automotive glass apart, on the contrary. In case of breakage, only an asterisk will appear. This ensures that a windscreen always provides the best possible protection for all occupants.

The windscreen replacement cost for a BMW

We step into an open door when we say that the windscreen is the most expensive window found in a car. However, this does not necessarily mean that you should always bear in mind a sky-high price tag for replacing your windscreen, on the contrary. The high cost price often charged for a new BMW windscreen is always due to the fact that an original automotive glass with a brand logo is used. However, replacing a BMW windscreen can also very well be done by means of a windscreen intended for the so-called after-market. Such a windscreen has exactly the same quality, but is much more economical than a windscreen with a brand logo.

Same quality at a lower price

Replacing the windscreen of your BMW by using a windscreen intended for the after-market will bring as you have already read the most important advantage that it has a much more limited price tag. Contrary to what many people think, this type of windscreen does not mean that there is any loss of quality. Both the production line and the factory in which the windscreen is made are exactly the same. The extra charge you have to pay for windscreen replacement of a BMW in the case of a windscreen with a brand logo is therefore never in a better quality, but in the fact that such a windscreen can only be sold by a brand dealer. Just think for yourself whether the presence of the brand logo is worth a considerable extra charge or not.

Windscreen replacement of your BMW by Autoglas Concurrent

The windscreen replacement of your BMW does not necessarily have to cost a lot of money, as you have already read. Autoglas Concurrent not only allows your BMW windscreen to be replaced at a very attractive price, but also the installation is always done by one of our certified fitting partners. This ensures that you can not only count on a new windscreen at all times that has a sublime quality, you can also rest assured that this is done with craftsmanship when it comes to installation. All this together ensures that you are always assured of the best possible price-quality ratio. Also replace the windscreen of a BMW? Then quickly discover what Autoglas Concurrent can do for you too!